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Pilates for Mental Health

Pilates, a total mind and body workout

We all know that exercise can be beneficial for both body and mind, but what exercises should we be doing for maximum all-round health? ‘Pilates’ says Neil Johnson – fitness exert and celebrity trainer.



Why Pilates?



“Pilates is a total body conditioning system which integrates the mind and body to achieve precision in muscle control, strength and flexibility, we know that Pilates is good for core control and stability.”

Johnson, former backing dancer for the likes of Take That and Boyzone has a great deal of experience in many areas of fitness, but has a real passion for Pilates and the benefits it brings him and the celebrity clients he now trains at the prestigious Chelsea Club.

What can we expect from a Pilates programme?



“The Pilates programme aims to increase body strength and tone, working with your own body weight which after all is what we work with on a day to day basis."


In a general Pilates session you will:

  • Strengthen the abdominal and back muscles to stabilise the spine

  • Increase total body strength

  • Improve coordination

  • Develop endurance muscle work

  • Re-educate posture and muscle balance

  • Refine control of movement

The mind benefits

As well as the physical benefits of Pilates there are also great mind and soul rewards from doing Pilates such as:

  • Increase your sense of mastery, which can help if you don't feel in control of your life or mood

  • Release muscle tension through stretching and mobilising

  • Boost those feel-good endorphins.

  • Sleep better at night having expended energy

  • Provide a distraction from your worries.

  • Get rid of built-up stress and frustration.

  • Improve your health and body, which can help lift your mood



“Through my experience as a dancer there is nothing more liberating than to be in control of your body!”



How do we start?



“As far as giving a few start up exercises are concerned I would advise anyone who is thinking of taking up Pilates to go to a group session or a private session to start with as there is a lot of information and fundamentals that need to be applied and this can be done wrong if you are just doing this by yourself.



The breathing and neutral spine and imprint can be interpreted incorrectly if there is not someone who is experienced to initially guide you and explain what these are.”

This article is from

For further information, please do not hesitate in contact us.

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